Thursday, April 29, 2010

I have been away for the past two months. Missed my dear friends cum partners and my library very much. I was in a town called Stamford, Connecticut. The weather was more or less oppressive,most of the time, cold, windy and at times very warm sunny days. On a good warm and sunny day, my favourite outing used to be a long walk down Atlantic street and into the Stamford Mall, where there is a huge Barnes and Noble book store.
As you enter the store the first thing that hits you is a calm , serene feeling. I dont know whether any of you feel this, but I do, everytime I walk into Landmark I get a bit overwhelmed. I feel little oppressed. Much as I love books and I love to browse and look at all the books and magazines around me, I am happier when I walk out. At Landmark,there is some sort of a restricted space around you. In B&N you can breathe in and out and never get the claustrophobic feeling.
After I walk in and browse around a bit, usually I choose one of the books on the shelf where they have the top ten from the NY Times best seller list. Everytime I do that I am delighted to note that most of the books there are already in our library The girl with the dragon tattoo and The girl who played with fire by Steig Larrson were sitting snugly in the front book shelf. More later..........

1 comment:

  1. dearest raji, i think this is marvelous :) please do keep writing.. i think that more than high flown, meticulously constructed treatise, these are the kind of sharings that are truly capable of touching a reader... looking forward to following this lovely blog :) much love.
